Monday, September 24, 2018

My Goals  as fixes as marble

Let me hang out your halo;
Suspend silly acts
That misguide my focus
From divinity towards senses.

You,an ennobling spirit;
Fit for  my soul casual ;
Take me into  your compass ;
Set my goals before I lose to be beaten.

My Goals're not anymore  changing;
As fixed as marble to lend others zeal as ideals.

I Love My Soul   To Be There

Herein lies my body;
Therein lies my soul;
Sometimes glowing from that distance
Next moment fading to nothingness.

I'm elated  you do care my soul;
Warm it with your fervent love;
I don't mind if  there forever it stays
But happy enough to learn- mine merge with yours
To hoist a constant togetherness.